Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boy Disclaimer

     Not to say I haven't met some girls these might apply to, but this fits my boys. These seem relevant for my 8 mon. - almost 8 yr old. I am sure I might have to add more as they get older.

* My boys play rough

* They are loud and don't like to stay still for long

* If something broke, they did it

* If it's a mess, they made it

* If something smells, it's them

* Farting and burping are hilarious (much to my dismay)

* Silence should be a LOUD alarm that something is wrong

* They will and can make a gun out of anything

* Some of their favorite games involve fighting like; ninjas, wrestlers, pirates, or superhero vs villain

* They like to build things with legos or blocks, and then leave them as booby traps

* They love hot-wheel cars and will use anything as tracks like your leg or walls, or leave them        outside in dirt piles
* Bug and guts are cool

     And yes "I'm that MOM" who cheers loud at their games. Lets them be a little rough with each other. Not quick to jump up towards them if they fall. When I hear crying I wait for them to come to me, except maybe for the 8 mon. old. Try to let them wear what they want (except maybe at church).  Oh and a little hard work and dirt never hurt anyone.

Next up is "MANnerisms and other ways we are raising our boys to be men"

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