Saturday, August 9, 2014

2014-2015 Curriculum List

Wow, what a busy summer! This summer we have had two deaths in the family, vacation, time with nieces and nephews, camp and VBS. Not to mention for us homeschooling moms, I've had to shop and plan lessons for this year. Formally we have followed public school calendar, as far as what days we took off and when we started and ended. This year I am looking for more breaks in-between, shorter weeks and a new homeschool co-op.  So for now, and until the co-op starts in September, we only have school four days a week. When co-op picks up, it will add our fifth day and once a week we will have art in the afternoon. And focused more on what days my husband has off verses some of the teacher work day public school has off on their school calendar. We have actually already started on August 5, 2014 and will end May 28, 2015. Here is a look into our curriculum choices this year.

Group Studies (this is for all kids)
Bible: We all sit together either in the school room, at table or on the couch after breakfast and start our day with a short reading from the Bible. I really enjoy all the valuable lessons in the parables. So for most of the first trimester we are going through the parables chronologically in the gospels starting in the book of Matthew. When we finish those, I want to go over the miracles in the gospel as well. Either way, I really enjoy reading directly from the Bible and having a small discussion about what we read, and seeing where it will lead us.
Art: First we will read "Katie and the Mona Lisa" and later "Anna's Art Adventure"(haven't got this book yet) then follow this site I found that has a list of several projects for kids to do from different artists.

3rd Grade
Language Arts: Spelling and Vocabulary by Horizons
Phonics: Explode The Code, Books 4 1/2 and 5
Math: Horizons Math, Books 1 and 2
History: The Complete Book of Presidents and States (found at Half Price Books for $6)
- It has flashcards of presidents, stickers from each state to add to a big U.S. map, fun facts and activities for each president and state.
Science: Exploring Creation with Astronomy and Astronomy Junior Notebooking Journal by Apologia
- This is our first year using Apologia. The Junior book is for students that are not strong readers, which is great for us because our oldest is still struggling with reading. It has color pages, mini-books, vocabulary exercises and more. Our previous science curriculum covered more on plants last year and my son really loves astronomy so that's why I picked this one to start with. But there are several options.

I've also added a few short books from Half Price Books store that I know my child has interest in but is not necessary part of the curriculum. He has a free time to work on those at least twice a week, more if desired.

I have bought all my curriculum from here, they always seem to have the best deals (besides the few things I bought at Half Price Books).

Scholastic Success Workbook for Kindergarten (bought at Half Price Books)
Includes: Numbers and Counting

Math: Horizons Math, Books 1 and 2
Phonics: Explode The Code, Books 1 and 1 1/2

3 year old Preschool
Phonics: Get Ready for The Code A, Get Set for The Code B, and Go for the Code C
Flashcards: Numbers, Alphabet, Alphabet with sounds, and Shapes (forgot to add this in picture)
Readiness Unit Studies: This goes over tracing, letter recognition, colors and more! It is also absolutely free! Love this site, just choice what you want to do and print (also some kinder. printouts).

We also do lots of puzzles with the preschooler and baby. And all boys enjoy doing learning games on the tablet! Hope your new school year is a blast, and share a ton of memories with your loves.

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