Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Things I Ask Myself as a Mom

I am not sure if its because I live with five boys (yes, including the husband!) as I have no girls to compare to, but I often hear myself repeating these same questions!

Things I Ask Myself as as Mom...

- How did that get there? Like crayon marks on my walls, stuffed TMNT Ninja in my bed, marbles in my shoe, toy snake in husband's boots, hot wheel cars in shoes, lotion squeezed out on rocking chair, can food in drawer under stove, etc.

- How does he sleep like that? To unusual positions to weird places. Some weird places they fall asleep would be in my closet (hiding), down the hallway, in highchair (during dinner), on bathroom floor (without pull-up on, after pooping mind you), and the latest on the staircase.

- Why can't they pee in the toilet? Not on the lid, seat, around the toilet, floor, trash can by the toilet,   on the rug around the toilet, in bathtub etc.

- What did he just say? Oh the things, like; poopy head, peebuddy, fart face, Bobby head (not sure where this came from?), and basically anything else to do with pooping or farting.

- What is that sound? Usually silence is scary, but with these boys its NEVER quiet. Constant noise. From hearing them jumping off something upstairs, spilling legos everywhere, crying (the hurt cry), belching, farting, making up songs while they poop, ninja fighting, rolling down the stairs (themselves or toys), etc.

Yep, that's my BOY!

Nehemiah 8:10b 'Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.'

I am laughing out lout as I am recalling some of these things (yes they all have happened). But sometimes as they are actually happening it is not so funny. I have to constantly remember my strength is in the Lord. And BOY do I need strength with these 4 boys (especially that second child, gotta LOVE him)!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall, My Favorite Season of the Year

Sometimes all I can do is just stand in awe of God's wonderful creation around me. Fall is my favorite season! Today as the kids and I were outside, there were about 10 butterflies fluttering around the flowers in our yard! It was so BEAUTIFUL.

Why I Love Fall-

The sun is shining bringing warmth, but there is a nice cool breeze
Tree leaves are changing colors and falling
There are still some flowers
Butterflies are everywhere
Time to pull out the sweatpants and sweaters
I love wearing the fall color, plum
Using my crock pot to make stews and soups
Baking cookies all the time
Drinking lots of hot tea, coffee and chocolate
Candles that smell like apple-cinnamon or pumpkin pie
Going to sleep feeling cool enough for a warm comforter
Cuddles in blankets
Open windows and not using the heater or ac
THANKSGIVING a time to cherish what family, friends, and food we have!

Genesis 1:14 'Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;'

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You Know You are a MOM When ...

These are just a few things I have discovered in motherhood. I am sure you could add more, and the list could go on and on. I hope some will give you a good chuckle or at the least you can sympathize with the amazingly crazy life as a mom.

You Know You are a MOM When ...

#100  you stay home with a child who isn't feeling well because no one comforts them like momma

#101 your kid uses your shirt as a napkin or worse a tissue, eww!

#102 you poke yourself with a needle while sewing a patch onto your child's vest, or repairing a tear in their favorite stuff animal

#103 you stay up way too late, because that's the only time you can get all those mom things done

#104 you can change baby's diaper or clothes while they are twisting and turning trying to crawl away

#105 you are holding your baby with one hand while holding your toddler in the other, so he can use the public bathroom

#106 you have to wait to eat your meal countless times, because a nursing baby is always hungry when the meal is ready

#107 you always have one, or at least one, in your lap while you: grade papers, try to read, eat, work etc. ...

#108 you can easily prepare dinner with a child attached to hip, or on the counter ... or both

#109 your alone time is when you are using the bathroom, if you're lucky ...

#110 date night with your husband consists of a Redbox movie with a late night snack while kids are in bed

#111 you say "silence is golden," but is scary when it actually happens

# 112 you've caught yourself repeating your mother, "if your friend jumps off a bridge would you?"

#113 you say "because I said so" to the never-ending question "but why?"

#114 chores like mowing the yard is never done alone

#115 nothing is ever truly just yours

This is my youngest, now 18 months old, eating my toast. I know he looks so darn cute who could tell him no??

Proverbs 31:28a (NKJV) 'Her children rise up and call her blessed;'